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||# ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;font-weight:bold;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">Date ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;font-weight:bold;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">Course topic / lecture ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;font-weight:bold; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">Homework ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;font-weight:bold; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">Additional Materials (lecture notes/papers) || ||
||L1 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">April 18 ||Introduction to the course. Review of finite automata. Basic constructions. || ||http://www.jflap.org/ || ||
||L2 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">April 19 ||Review of complexity classes. Further constructions on finite automata. || || || ||
||L3 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">April 25 ||(Weak) monadic second order logics on words (WS1S). Buchi-Elgot theorem. || || || ||
||L4 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">April 26 ||Antichains. Transducers. Alternating automata. || || || ||
||# ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;font-weight:bold;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">Date ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;font-weight:bold;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">Course topic / lecture ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;font-weight:bold;     &amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">Homework ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;font-weight:bold; &amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">Additional Materials (lecture notes/papers) || ||
||L1 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">April 18 ||Introduction to the course. Review of finite automata. Basic constructions. || ||http://www.jflap.org/ || ||
||L2 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">April 19 ||Further constructions on finite automata. Regular expressions. ||[[attachment:hw1.pdf|HW1]] || || ||
||L3 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">April 25 ||Review of complexity classes, decision problems on automata || || || ||
||L4 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">April 26
||(Weak) monadic second order logics on words (WS1S). Buchi-Elgot theorem. || || || ||
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||L5 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 02 ||Automata minimization: Myhill-Nerode theorem, non-determinism. || || || ||
||L6 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 03 ||Automata learning: Passive learning, L*. || || || ||
||L7 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 09 ||Applications of finite automata and learning. libalf. || || || ||
||L8 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 10 ||Spill slot. || || || ||
||L9 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 16 ||Omega automata: Buchi, co-Buchi, Rabin, Streett. || || || ||
||L10 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 17 ||Conversions between automata. Deterministic and non-deterministic automata. || || || ||
||L5 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 02 ||Automata minimization: Myhill-Nerode theorem, non-determinism. || || || ||
||L6 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 03 ||Automata learning: Passive learning, L*. || || || ||
||L7 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 09 ||Applications of finite automata and learning. libalf. || || || ||
||L8 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 10 ||Spill slot. || || || ||
||L9 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 16 ||Omega automata: Buchi, co-Buchi, Rabin, Streett. || || || ||
||L10 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 17 ||Conversions between automata. Deterministic and non-deterministic automata. || || || ||
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||L11 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 23 ||MSO (S1S) and Buchi's theorem. || || || ||
||L12 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 24 ||Determinization of automata. || || || ||
||L13 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 30 ||Determinization of automata. || || || ||
||L14 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 31 ||Alternating omega-automata: Miyano and Hayashi's construction. || || || ||
||L15 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">June 06 ||Linear temporal logic. Automata-theoretic model checking. || || || ||
||L16 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">June 07 ||Overflow: Applications, tools, open problems. || || || ||
||L17 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">June 13 ||Church's problem. Realizability. Games and synthesis. || || || ||
||L18 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">June 14 ||Safety, reachability, Buchi, parity games. || || || ||
||L11 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 23 ||MSO (S1S) and Buchi's theorem. || || || ||
||L12 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 24 ||Determinization of automata. || || || ||
||L13 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 30 ||Determinization of automata. || || || ||
||L14 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">May 31 ||Alternating omega-automata: Miyano and Hayashi's construction. || || || ||
||L15 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">June 06 ||Linear temporal logic. Automata-theoretic model checking. || || || ||
||L16 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">June 07 ||Overflow: Applications, tools, open problems. || || || ||
||L17 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">June 13 ||Church's problem. Realizability. Games and synthesis. || || || ||
||L18 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">June 14 ||Safety, reachability, Buchi, parity games. || || || ||
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||L19 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">June 20 ||Parity games and mu-calculus. || || || ||
||L20 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">June 21 ||Bounded synthesis. || || || ||
||L21 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">July 04 ||Tree automata and decidability of S2S || || || ||
||L22 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">July 05 ||Beyond regularity: nested word automata. || || || ||
||L23 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">July 11 ||Context free languages. Parikh's theorem. || || || ||
||L24 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">July 12 ||Timed automata. || || || ||
||L19 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">June 20 ||Parity games and mu-calculus. || || || ||
||L20 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">June 21 ||Bounded synthesis. || || || ||
||L21 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">July 04 ||Tree automata and decidability of S2S || || || ||
||L22 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">July 05 ||Beyond regularity: nested word automata. || || || ||
||L23 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">July 11 ||Context free languages. Parikh's theorem. || || || ||
||L24 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;   &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">July 12 ||Timed automata. || || || ||
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||L25 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">July 18 ||TBD. || || || ||
||L26 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">July 19 ||TBD. || || || ||
||L25 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp;  quot; &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">July 18 ||TBD. || || || ||
||L26 ||<style="&quot; &amp; quot; &amp; amp;  quot; &amp; amp; amp; quot;text-align:center&amp; amp; amp; quot; &amp; amp; quot; &amp; quot; &quot;">July 19 ||TBD. || || || ||

Course: Advanced Automata Theory

Summer 2017


  • Syllabus and contents.

We shall study automata on finite/infinite words and trees and their relationship to logic and computer-aided verification of systems.

  • Intended Audience.

Computer science or math students with background in logic and theory of computation. (Familiarity with basic algorithms, logic, and theory of computation will be assumed). Talk to the instructor if you are not sure if you have the background. We shall try to keep the class self-contained, please attend the initial lecture for background material.

Further, I expect you (1) have "mathematical maturity" (e.g., you should be comfortable with proofs and abstract reasoning); (2) are interested in the material; and (3) are willing to spend time outside of class in order to better understand the material presented in lectures.

  • Grading

Grading will be based on a written, open-notes, final exam. Open notes means that you are free to bring your notes to the exam. However, you may not use internet access on any device during an exam.

In order to appear for the exam, you have to turn in homework problems (to be assigned approximately biweekly), write up lecture notes for two lectures, and present a result to the class.

  • Text book

The following text books cover most of the material (and much more):

  1. Michael Sipser, Introduction to the theory of computation, MIT Press b. Erich Graedel, Wolfgang Thomas, Thomas Wilke, Automata, Logics, and Infinite Games, Springer c. Jeffrey Shallit, A Second Course in Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Cambridge University Press

In addition, we shall provide lecture notes, surveys, or research papers for topics not covered in these books.

  • Homework:

Homework exercises will be handed out approximately every two weeks (weekday TBA). Your answers must be handed in until the day specified in the homework, at the beginning of the lecture.

  • Teamwork and Academic Honesty:

Students may collaborate on homework assignments, but each student needs to individually write up a solution set and be prepared to present it in class on the due date. The work you submit in this course must be the result of your individual effort. You may discuss homework problems and general proof strategies or algorithms with other students in the course, but you must not collaborate in the detailed development or actual writing of problem sets. This implies that one student should never have in his or her possession a copy of all or part of another student's homework. It is your responsibility to protect your work from unauthorized access. In writing up your homework you are allowed to use any book, paper, or published material. However, you are not allowed to ask others for specific solutions, either in person or by using electronic forums such as newsgroups. Of course, during the administration of exams any form of cooperation or help is forbidden. Academic dishonesty has no place in a university; it wastes our time and yours, and it is unfair to the majority of students. Any dishonest behavior will be severely penalized and may lead to failure in the course.


  • The first lecture is on April 18, 2017.

Lecture Notes

We hope to collaboratively create Wiki-like lecture notes at https://sandstorm.init.mpg.de/shared/fE1Q2Y28_shn-nE9vet1m_xlHI2hUKjdbzlSrYEpX9c


This schedule is preliminary and subject to change.



Course topic / lecture


Additional Materials (lecture notes/papers)


April 18

Introduction to the course. Review of finite automata. Basic constructions.



April 19

Further constructions on finite automata. Regular expressions.



April 25

Review of complexity classes, decision problems on automata


April 26

(Weak) monadic second order logics on words (WS1S). Buchi-Elgot theorem.


May 02

Automata minimization: Myhill-Nerode theorem, non-determinism.


May 03

Automata learning: Passive learning, L*.


May 09

Applications of finite automata and learning. libalf.


May 10

Spill slot.


May 16

Omega automata: Buchi, co-Buchi, Rabin, Streett.


May 17

Conversions between automata. Deterministic and non-deterministic automata.


May 23

MSO (S1S) and Buchi's theorem.


May 24

Determinization of automata.


May 30

Determinization of automata.


May 31

Alternating omega-automata: Miyano and Hayashi's construction.


June 06

Linear temporal logic. Automata-theoretic model checking.


June 07

Overflow: Applications, tools, open problems.


June 13

Church's problem. Realizability. Games and synthesis.


June 14

Safety, reachability, Buchi, parity games.


June 20

Parity games and mu-calculus.


June 21

Bounded synthesis.


July 04

Tree automata and decidability of S2S


July 05

Beyond regularity: nested word automata.


July 11

Context free languages. Parikh's theorem.


July 12

Timed automata.


July 18



July 19


Courses/AdvancedAutomataTheory-SS2017 (last edited 2018-03-29 06:38:49 by neider)