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Editor: skilpat
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 * nLab - like a Wikipedia for (higher) category theory: [[http://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/HomePage]]

Higher-Dimensional Type Theory Seminar

WHAT? This lecture series conducted by Bob Harper will cover various topics in higher-dimensional type theory, including higher category theory and homotopy theory. It is not for the faint of heart.

WHO? This is some hardcore PL stuff. You should know dependent type theory and at least some category theory.

WHEN? Wednesdays and Fridays?

WHERE? MPI-SWS Kaiserslautern/Wartburg

HOW? Mailing list for this series (and other type theory discussion): type-theory@mpi-sws.org

Organizers: Bob Harper and Scott Kilpatrick



2011-08-03, 2PM


Intro to HDTT and homotopy.


2011-08-05, 1PM


Intro to dependent type theory and equality types.


2011-08-10, 1PM




Blogs and Websites



Meeting #1

  • Intro to higher-dimensional type theory.
  • Intro to homotopy theory.
  • Intro to (higher) category theory.
  • Basic interpretation of type theory in category theory.
  • Different notions of equivalence (definitional and propositional).

  • What's going on in the field right now.

Meeting #2

  • Basics of dependent type theory.
  • Type-indexed families of types.
  • Natural numbers type and recursion.
  • Identity types as "least reflexive relation."
  • Elimination of identity types -- the J operator.
  • Substitution operator (think Coq's rewrite tactic), and how to encode it with J.
  • Discreteness axioms for adding extensionality; cutting off discreteness, e.g., for uniqueness of equality proofs of other equality types.

hdtt (last edited 2011-08-24 15:58:47 by skilpat)